1. Hand holding flags of the world.How much will it cost to translate my document? This varies depending on the number of words in the document, its formatting (is it a word processor document, a spreadsheet, a presentation, a brochure, et al.) and the specialization of the language used (is it a birth certificate or is it an industrial engineering manual?)  You can send us your document to receive a detailed quote.
  2. How long will it take to translate my document? This also depends on the factors mentioned previously; when presenting a quote, the time frame for delivery will also be detailed.
  3. What is the difference between translation and interpreting?  Translation is for written documents while interpreting is for the spoken word, either consecutively, where the speaker pauses to allow the interpreter to speak, or simultaneously where the audience wears headphones and the interpreter speaks at the same time.
  4. How much would interpreting service cost for my event? You can contact us and detail the requirements of your event to receive a quote for your event’s coverage.